Costa Rica is unique! That's what the Inhabitants (Ticos and Ticas named) about their little Country - between Panama and Nicaragua, between Pacific und Carribean - which they are loving, are saying. And nobody, who ever was in Costa Rica ,will contradict them.
"Rich Coast" - Costa Rica - did Christopher Columbus named the Country, because he thought of the Gold, which he wished to find.

But the real Wealth of Costa Rica is the beautiful Nature! About a Quarter of Costa Rica is protected by Nature. The costarican Government is trying to get the Rainforests and the coastsides with their Animal- and Plantsspecies for the following Generations protected.
Tragical for Costa Rica: The american Fruit-Combines destroyed the country in the last years. Wide Areas were destroyed and burned down, to get Space for Coffee- and Banana-Plantations...
Other Forests were cutted down for 3 Millions of cattles, which Meat goes to the Fast-Food Restaurants. What's remaining are the big and wide Jungelareas at the "Cordillera de Talamanca" and the "Cordillera Central". Also many little Islands, along the Coasts of Carribean and the Pacific Ocean. Some Nature-Park-Administrations are caring about them. And many Environment-Organisations, but also private people, which purchased lots in the last years, are responsible that the saved areas were bigger and bigger, step by step.
Rain- and Fogforests, Jungelrivers, Volcanos, unexplored Beaches, an incredible Variety of exotic Plants, the meeting with coloured Birds, Monkeys, Sloths and Butterflies are making Costa Rica to an little Paradise. A peaceful Land, which abolished his army...
The Population of Costa Rica is about 4 Millions. 70% of the Costaricans are living in the moderate Climate of the Central Highland.

The "Ticos" and "Ticas" are 95% descend from the spanish Conquerors, the Indian aboriginals and the Africans, which arrived Costa Rica as Slaves and Workers.
Ticos and Ticas are really friendly, helpful and beautiful People. And they are self-confident: The costarican are proud of their Country, proud of their Democracy and proud of their Freedom. And in the Cities like San José or Limón, they are influenced by the american Lifestyle.